Invitation to Bid
Kinneloa Irrigation District (KID) invites you to submit a bid proposal for 1850 Kinneloa Canyon Road Water Main Improvement Project. The engineer’s estimate for the project is $245,000. The bid submittal deadline is 2:00 PM on July 6, 2023.
A portion of the work area requires access behind a secured gate that is not open to the general public. If your firm desires to submit a bid on this project you may contact the General Manager, Tom Majich, directly via email to arrange a site inspection. There will be no set job walk scheduled for all bidders to attend.
After you review the project documents , the District would appreciate a response confirming that you intend to submit a bid.
The bid documents including construction drawings and contract specifications are linked below:
Contract Drawings - 1850 Kinneloa Canyon Rd Contract Specifications - 1850 Kinneloa Canyon RdThank you for your consideration and participation.
Please email Tom Majich at if you wish to submit a bid.
To be placed on a bidder list for future projects, contact our office 626-797-6295 or email us at